Through it, priority is given not only to the conservation of the environment and the optimization of resources, but also to the valuing constant improvements for customer and employee excellence in a self-sustaining company.
See some action we implanted to embrace the planet:
- Reuse of rainwater, through cisterns;
- Solar panels installation;
- Factory and offices illumination in LED with internal and external luminosity sensors;
- Use of non-mineral synthetic oils reducing the use of mineral oil;
- Recycle and correct destination of all residues;
- Reuse of mechanical towels;
- Efficient reduction of compressed air consumption in motors and machines;
- Change of all computers for laptops with low energy consume;
- Change of all old screens for modern screens;
- Switching from physical to virtual switchboard, no longer consuming energy;
- Printing of packages on automated packaging machines, reducing label consumption;
- Use of aluminum mugs and reusable bottles;
- Integration in transport with local companies (shared transport), reducing polluting gasses;
- Industrial park modernization, reducing machines with excessive electric energy consumption;
- Reuse of ecological pallets for third-party services;
- Replacement of old air conditioners with more modern ones with lower energy consumption.